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Translation is a critical part of business. It opens all kinds of new doors. And whether you’re looking to enter a new market, boost your sales, engage your customers, or comply with language laws, Sematos is there for you.

Choosing Sematos means choosing a team equipped with the latest technology that gives it their all. It means choosing a dedicated, responsive project manager, translators who get you, and editors who know how to polish your texts.

Certified translation

Certified translation

Are you getting ready to study in a French-speaking university? Are you moving to Quebec to start a new job? Or maybe you’re new to Canada? These major life events (and many more besides) often call for certified translations of your official documents.

Our OTTIAQ-certified translators will be happy to translate documents like your diploma, transcript, contract, birth certificate, or résumé, then add their official seal and signature to certify their work.



Words are important, but for advertising and video games, sometimes you need to take things to the next level.

If you’re looking to make a splash from Saguenay to San Jose, speaking English, French, or Spanish isn’t enough. You need to tap into your audience’s culture, too. Sematos is there to make sure your ideas don’t get lost in translation.

These days, you can’t develop a video game in just one language. At Sematos, not only can we tell the difference between AR and VR or MMORPGs and TBSGs, we can translate them, too! After all, many of our team members are avid gamers. They’d love to help make your game a success on every market!

Let’s work together!

Request a quote and let us know how we can help.


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Certified Translations with Sematos

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Tailoring your Writing for Translation

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Je traduis : 15 erreurs à éviter